An Iconic Equestrian Branding Delivered to Bisharat Stables,Belgium by Aimstyle
An Iconic Equestrian Branding Delivered to Bisharat Stables,Belgium by Aimstyle
An Iconic Equestrian Branding Delivered to Bisharat Stables,Belgium by Aimstyle

Launched in 1997, Bisharat Stables is an extension of the international champion Hani Bisharat’s journey, who has made a massive contribution to the horse riding and jumping industry in the MENA region and Europe.


Aimstyle has built a one-of-a-kind branding for Bisharat Stables in Belgium, along with communications and digital solutions to provide horse riders worldwide with an outstanding experience.

As part of the project, Aimstyle Dubai created an iconic, strong brand identity and website design that allows the brand to communicate effectively with the target segments.