Branding goes beyond shaping your brand and grabbing ideal customers' attention. It reflects your brand's identity, personality, and values. Moreover, it structures how each target market can be targeted correctly and gives directions that facilitate selling products and services.
To simplify the subject, the traits and values of a brand's performance reflect a brand's DNA. Brand DNA plays the same role as human DNA. It contains all hereditary information related to a brand.
Many business owners need to be made aware of the importance of defining the brand's DNA and skip its research when branding their products or services, which will negatively affect their businesses' future performance. Moreover, customers may perceive the brands' image according to wrong assumptions opposite to what the business owners had in mind related to their brands.
Let Us Give You Some Directions on How to Build the Ideal Brand DNA:
It is essential to add a background story related to your brand. It is good to show your passionate and inspirational story that led to the creation of your brand. People will understand and learn more about the spirit of your brand. Moreover, some people relate to the brand when they know more about how the idea came up and what influenced its concept.
People care about the value of your offer. What value will they gain from buying your product/service? For example, consider two brands operating in the same industry and field. What would push the customer to prefer one brand over the other if the prices are the same is the quality used. You should identify the strong points of the value you offer. You will need to achieve brand consistency and long existence in the market.
Brand values represent the principles that structure a brand and a business. It is considered an essential part when defining the core of any brand. For example, American Express adopts customer commitment as one of its core values, which means building long-term relationships with its customers. Be committed to what values your brand adopts. Don't just write words.
A brand personality makes up the characteristics of your brand. Like humans, each has a different personality and characteristics and traits. It is about how you want your target audience to think of you as a brand. (Ex: friendly, responsible, sophisticated, energetic, etc.).
Identifying your target market for your brand helps you focus and dedicate marketing efforts toward those who would most likely get your product or service. Knowing your audience helps you communicate your brand's value proposition correctly. However, you should Identify your targeting approach carefully. Since differentiated targeting strategy differs completely from concentrated targeting strategy. Each depends on your brand and the industry market.
How you communicate with your audience makes up your brand's tone of voice. It is more like your approach to communicate your message, idea, or thought via different channels. The word choice here matters, and writing style also plays an important role in your customer's perception of your messages. For example, Dove adopts an uplifting approach that encourages and motivates its audience (women) to care for their beauty.
Community collaboration is also known as community involvement which describes your brand's contributions to the community. The level of contribution can be local or regional. This depends on your brand's mission. However, having community collaboration activities help increase brand awareness and build a positive reputation.
To conclude, giving the above information about your brand DNA will help you know where to start. Again and again, please do not skip the brand DNA part when it comes to branding since it is the core that will help your brand stand out and maintain its consistency in the long run.